EGR 262 - Fundamental Circuits Lab
Tidewater Community College Engineering Program
Instructor:  Paul Gordy

Available Information:
Course Information (Syllabus)
Presentations for each Lab
Lab Guides
Miscellaneous Documents

Contact Paul Gordy:

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Some documents below are in .PDF format which can be viewed and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.  To download the free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, select the image to the left.

Lab Presentations (PowerPoint)
Select the presentation for the desired lab.

Lab #1Breadboarding Circuits
Lab #2  - Introduction to the Arduino UNO
Lab #3 – Switches and 7-segment displays
Lab #4 – Analog-to-Digital Conversion
Lab #5 – Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Lab #6 – Improved Digital-to-Analog Converter

Lab #7 – Success-Approximation ADC
Lab #8 – ADC, PWM, and the Servo Class
Lab #9 – Serial Communication and Motor Controllers
Lab #10 - Using IR Sensors with the Arduino UNO
Lab #11 – Line Following using a PID Controller
Lab #12

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Lab Guides (Word)
Select the lab guide for the desired lab.

Lab #1 - Breadboarding Circuits
Lab #2  - Introduction to the Arduino UNO
Lab #3 – Switches and 7-segment displays
Lab #4 – Analog-to-Digital Conversion
Lab #5 – Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Lab #6 – Improved Digital-to-Analog Converter

Lab #7 – Success-Approximation ADC
Lab #8 – ADC, PWM, and the Servo Class
Lab #9 – Serial Communication and Motor Controllers
Lab #10 – Using IR Sensors with the Arduino UNO
Lab #11 – Line Following using a PID Controller
Lab #12

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Miscellaneous Documents
Select the document that you wish to view.

Data Sheets (specifications for electrical devices, equipment, and software)

Pinouts (Word)

Pinouts (PDF)

Fritzing – Example of creating breadboard layouts and schematics

Fritzing – Standard Breadboard Layout for EGR 262

Fritzing – Parts for EGR 262

Using WaveStar to Capture Oscilloscope Images (pdf)

Qik Motor Controller Library for the Arduino (

QTR IR Sensor Array Library for the Arduino (





Documents for previous 68HC11-based lab:

Lab Manual (Word)
Lab Manual (pdf)
Checkoff Sheets (Word)

Checkoff Sheets (pdf)

vector.c  (c file needed for all MicroStamp11 programs)

kernel.c  (c file needed for all MicroStamp11 programs)

MicroStamp11 Breadboard Layout (Word)

Sample Lab Report (Word)
ICC11 C++ Compiler (pdf)

MicroStamp11 (pdf)

Running Your First Program on the MicroStamp11 (pdf)

ICC11 C++ Compiler (45 day trial version)

Pebble Breadboard Emulator - Example

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