EGR 140 - Statics
Tidewater Community College
Engineering Program

Instructor:  Paul Gordy

Available Information:
SyllabusFall 2019 Section N02B (5:45 – 7:00 pm)
Lecture Notes
Miscellaneous Documents

Contact Paul Gordy:

Description: Description: Description: Go to Adobe Acrobat download site

Most documents below are in .PDF format which can be viewed and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.  To download the free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, select the image to the left.

Homework Assignments
All assignments for this course must be done using Mastering Engineering which is Prentice-Hall’s online homework system.
If you purchased a textbook through the bookstore it should have come with a Mastering Engineering Access Kit which has a registration code to be entered online.
If you purchased a textbook without an access kit, you will need to purchase an access code online.

Note that each instructor has a unique Mastering Engineering course number.
The instructor should give you this course number so that you can register for the correct course.
Instructions for registering for Mastering Engineering and using Mastering Engineering

Notes about Mastering Engineering
- Most problems are randomized so each student will have different numerical values for the same problem.
- Generally 5 attempts are allowed for each problem, but this could be adjusted by the instructor
- The Due Dates for each assignment are listed in Mastering Engineering.  On rare occasions the instructor may extend the due dates.  If this is done an email announcement will be sent out via Blackboard.
- It is strongly recommended that you print out each problem and neatly work them on paper so that you will have good study materials for the tests. 

Computer Assignments

Computer Assignment #1

Computer Assignment #2

Computer Example using Excel

Computer Example using MatLab
Computer Example using MathCAD

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Lecture Notes (PowerPoint presentations)
Select the presentation that you wish to view.  Print copies of the presentations before each class.  If you miss a class, you should try to copy notes from another student in order to get solutions to the problems in the presentations.

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5

Ch. 6

Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9

Ch. 10

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Miscellaneous Documents
Select the document that you wish to view.

Test #1 Overview
Test #2 Overview
Test #3 Overview
Final Exam Overview

Complex numbers using the TI-85/86, TI-89, and HP-48
Cross and Dot Products using the TI-85/86, TI-89, and HP-48

Finding a centroid by integration using MathCAD (MathCAD file)

Finding a centroid by integration using MathCAD (pdf file)

Extra Credit Assignment

Problem-Solving Format

PowerPoint Viewer (if you don't have PowerPoint)

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