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Evaluation & Assessment

Students will earn the following individual grades based on their performance: Unacceptable = 0; Acceptable = 1; Exceptional = 2. An Acceptable grade is three points, and an Exceptional grade is 6 points. They will participate in two performance-based activities and create one product. For the performance-based activities, students will participate in two Blackboard discussion forums with their peers and conduct Internet research to profile a person, organization, or a movement. In addition, they will create a multimedia presentation to include in their end-of the-semester eportfolio project.

The performance-based criteria for the participation grade include Activity 2 and Activity 4. For Activity 4, students will post two messages on two different due dates on the forum titled "Playing for Change." The first message will be a 150-word paragraph to respond to the following question: What is the most powerful message of this video? After reading their class members' responses, they will respond to two peers by offering additional commentary, 75-word minimum, about the video's message. For Activity 4, students will again post two messages to the forum titled "Another Person Changing the World." For Message 1, students will inform their peers and the instructor about the topic they researched on the Internet by profiling a person, an organization, or a movemen; and for Message 2, they will respond to two of their peers by posting two questions they have about the topic.

For the third performance criterion, students will create a multimedia presentation of the person, organization, or movement they chose for their topic. This presentation needs to a digital representation of the topic's mission and purpose. This representation can be a video, an image, an animation, or any other digitized artwork or artifact.

Performance Criteria

Unacceptable = 0

Acceptable = 1

Exceptional = 2



Students will participate in two discussion forums in Blackboard


Students did not participate in one or more of the discussion forums; if they did particpate, they did not meet the minimum word requirement.

Students participated in both discussion forums and met the word count requirements.

Students participated in both discussion forums, met the word count requirements, and communicated the topic and responded to others exceptionally well.


Students will conduct Internet research to profile a person, an organization, or a movement



Students did not conduct research, conducted scant research, and/or did not choose an acceptable topic.

Students conducted substantial research to find an acceptable person, organization, or movement to profile.

Students conducted extensive Internet research to find an acceptable person, organization, or movement to profile.


Students will create one multimedia presentation



Students did not create an acceptable multimedia presentation.

Students created an acceptable multimedia presentation.

Students created an exceptional multimedia presentation.