Ovary - Somso Models OV 1 & 2
1	Mesovarium
2	Germinal Epithelium
3	Suspensory Ligament (coverred by Visceral Peritoneum)
4	Tunica Albuginea (outer part of Cortex)
5	Cortex (Cortical Stroma) - outer layer
6	Medulla (Medullary Stroma) - inner layer
7	Ovarian Artery/Vein
8	Smooth Muscle Cells
9	Primordial Follicles
10	Follicular Epithelium of Primordial Follicles
11	Secondary Follicles
12	Atretic Follicle
13	Early Antrum (cavity) containing liquor folliculi (fluid)
14	Graafian (mature) follicle releasing Oocyte (ovulation)
15	Corpus Hemorrhagicum (follicle just after ovulation, filled w/ blood)
16	Corona Radiata of follicle	
17	Oocyte
18	Zona Pellucidum
19	Internal Theca (Thecal cells) - produces Testosteron
20	External Theca (connective tissue)
21	Walls of Corpus Hemorrhagicum becoming "luteal"
22	Corpus Luteum - produces progesterone to maintain the uterus for pregnancy 
23	Corpus Albicans - remains of follicles 
24	Pampiniform Plexus of Ovary (veins) and ovarian arteries

Primordial Follicle becomes Secondary Follicle becomes Graafian Follicle 
which becomes Corpus Hemorrhagicum, then Corpus Luteum, then Corpus Albicans

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