Big Plastic Femal Reproductive Model FE 30
1	ovary
2	Fallopian tube
3	fimbriae of Fallopian tube
5	endometrium (simple columnar epithelium)
6	cervix
7	myometrium (smooth muscle)
8	fundus of uterus
9	vaginal canal (lined by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium)
10	vaginal orifice
11	labium minus
12	labium majus
13	clitoris
14	vaginal fornix
15	rectouterin pouch (cul de sac or pouch of Douglas)
16	granulosa cells - change testosterone into estrogen via aromatase enzyme
17	oocyte
18	liquor folliculi filling the antrum (space)
19	corona radiata
20	theca interna cells (produce testosterone)
21	urinary bladder
22	urethra
23	external urethal os or opening
24	descending colon
25	rectum
26	anus
27	external iliac artery and vein
28	common iliac artery
29	round ligament of uterus
30	proper ligament of ovary
32	linea alba
33	body of S1
34	coccyx
35	cauda equina
36	parietal peritoneum reflectin onto colon to become part of visceral peritoneum (mesocolon)

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