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141 & 142 Prefixes/Suffixes for Test 3 - (i - n)

-ia	condition
-iatrics	medical specialty
ile-	intestine
im-	not
inter-	between
intercal-	insert
intra-	within, inside
-ism	condition
iso-	equal
jugul-	throat
juxta-	near
karyo-	kernel, nucleus
kera-	horn
kilo-	thousands
kin-	to move
kines-	to move
labi-	lip
labri-	lip
lact-	milk
lacun-	space or cavity
lamell-	small plate
lamina	layer, sheet
lat-	wide
laten-	hidden
later-	side
-lemma	sheath, husk
leuko-	white
leva-	raise
lingua-	tongue
lip-	fat
lipo-	fat
lith-	stone
-logy	the study of
luci-	clear
lumen	light
lut-	yellow
lymph	water
-lysis 	loosening, breaking down
macro-	large
macula	spot
magn-	large

mal-	bad, abnormal
-malacia	soft
mamm-	breast
-mania	obsession, compulsion
mast-	breast
mater	mother
meat-	passage
medi-	middle
medull-	middle or inner portion
mega-	large
meio-	less
melan-	black
men-	month
meningo-	membrane
menstru-	month
mer-	a part
mero-	a part
meso-	middle
meta-	between, transition
metro-	uterus
micro-	small
mictur-	urinate
mito-	thread, filament
mnem-	memory
mono-	single
morpho-	form
multi-	many
mur-	wall
muta-	change
myelo-	spinal cord, marrow
myo-	muscle
nano-	dwarf
narco-	numbness
-nata	birth
natri-	sodium
necro-	death
neo-	new
nephro-	kidney
neuro-	nerve
noci-	harmful 	
-nom	govern
nom-	name
noto-	back
nucle-	pit, kernel, little nut
nutri-	feed, nourish

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