Dr. Mitchell - Anatomy and Physiology I & II (Bio 141/142) - Keys to Models
Tidewater Community College - Chesapeake Campus

3B-numbered-skeleton-model-Upper Extremity- key

171. Os Coxae
172. Ilium - body 
173. Pubus - body
174. Ischium - Body
175. Iliac Crest
  a. External Lip
  b. Intermediate Lip
  c. Internal Lip 
  d. Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
  e. Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
  f. Posterior Superior Iliac Spine
  g. Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine
  h. Iliac Tubercle
  176. Iliac Fossa
  177. Anterior Gluteal Line
  178. Inferior Gluteal Line
  179. Arcuate Line - superior-posterior brim
180. Lunar Surface
a. Acetabular Notch
b. Acetabular Fossa
181. Ischial Spine
182. Ischial Tuberosity
183. Obturator Foramen
184. Greater Ischial Notch
185. Lesser Ischial Notch
186. Pubic Tubercle
187. Pectinial Line - inferio-anterior Brim
188. Iliopubic Eminence
189. FEMUR
  a. Head
  b. Fovea Capitis
  c. Neck
  d. Greater Trochanter
  e. Trochanteric Fossa
  f. Intertrochanteric Line
  g. Intertrochanteric Crest
  h. Lesser Trochanter
  i. Pectinate Line
  k. Linea Aspera
  l. Popliteal Surface
  m. Medial Condyle
  n. Medial Epicondyle
  o. Lateral Condyle
  p. Lateral Epicondyle
  q. Patellar Surface
  r. Intercondylar Fossa

190. Patella
  a. Base
  b. Apex
  c. Anterior Surface
  d. Posterior Surface
191. Tibia
  a. Medial Condyle
  b. Lateral Condyle
  c. Articular Surface for Fibula
  d. Medial Tubercle of Intercondylar Eminence
  e. Lateral  Tubercle of Intercondylar Eminence
  f. Anterior Intercondylar area
  g. Posterior Intercondylar area
  h. Nutrient Foramen
  i. Tibial Tuberosity
  l. Lateral Surface
  m. Posterior Surface
  n. Line for Soleus Muscle
  o. Medial Margin
  p. Anterior Margin
  q. Interosseous Margin
  r. Medial Malleolus
  s. Malleolar Sulcus
  t. Fibular Notch
  u. Inferior Articular Surface
  w. Malleolar Articular Surface
  192. Fibula
  a. Head
  b. Articular Surface
  c. Apex of Head
  d. Medial Crest
  e. Interosseous Margin
  f. Anterior Margin
  g. Posterior Margin
  h. Medial Surface
  i. Lateral Surface
  k. Posterior Surface
  l. Lateral Malleolus
  m. Malleolar Articular Surface
  n. Lateral Malleolar Fossa

193. Talus
  a. Head
  b. Neck
  c. Body
  d. Trochlea
  e. Lateral Process
  f. Posterior Process
194. Calcaneus
  a. Calcaneal Tuberosity
  b. Medial Process of Tuberosity
  c. Lateral Process of Tuberosity
  d. Sulcus for Tendon of Flex.Hall.Long.
  e. Sustentaculum Tali
  f. Peroneal Trochlea
195. Navicular
  a.  Tuberosity
196. Medial Cuneiform
197. Intermediate Cuneiform
198. Lateral Cuneiform
199. Cuboid
  a. Tuberosity
  b. Sulcus for tendon of Peroneus Long.
200. Metatarsals I - IV
  a. Base
  b. Body
  c. Head
201. Tuberosity of Metatarsal I
202. Tuberosity of Metatarsal V
203. Proximal Phalanx
204. Middle Phalanx
205. Distal Phalanx
206. Sesamoid Bone