Cedarville University – “Mario & Luigi”

Cedarville, OH

2nd Place Team

2007 ASEE Model Design Competition
Honolulu, HI
June 25, 2007


Cedarville University arrived in Hawaii with an impressive robot that handily captured 2nd place in the competition.


Team Members:
John Hagan

Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Clint Kohl (KohlC@cedarville.edu)


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  Team Photo.  Shown left to right are:

Marie Planchard – SolidWorks

Clint Kohl – Faculty Advisor

John Hagan – Team Captain

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John Hagan accepts the 2nd Place award from Marie Planchard of SolidWorks.

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Cedarville’s robot was actually two robots.  According to the rules, both robots need to be in the same half court when a ball is deposited.

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One robot heads to the basket while the other robot moves into the same half court.

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Carefully starting the robots.

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John Hagan gives a presentation before the judges and other team members.


Contact Paul Gordy, ASEE Model Design Competition Coordinator, at PGordy@tcc.edu for more information.