7th Place
Reedley College

Reedley, CA
2005 ASEE Model Design Competition
Portland, OR
June 13, 2005

Reedley College's robot used a clever mechanism with accordian-like arms that would move dumpers toward the pockets.  Other teams watched with great curiosity to see if they could pull off the difficult design, but the robot was not able to function as the team hoped and it was not able to score in the competition.

Team Members:
Michael Kaiser       Travis Lynn
Thomas Back         Gabriel Flores
Faculty Advisors:
John Heathcote (john.heathcote@reedleycollege.edu)

  Reedley College's team decided to try operating the robot with just two of the four
dumpers, but it still had problems and was unable to deliver any balls to the pockets.
One of the dumpers makes some progress toward the pocket.

Contact Paul Gordy, ASEE Model Design Competition Coordinator, at PGordy@tcc.edu for more information.