2nd Place
Cedarville University

Cedarville, OH
2005 ASEE Model Design Competition
Portland, OR
June 13, 2005

Cedarville University was one of the few teams that used a single robot and thus had to move quickly around the track in order to dump balls in all four pockets within the 60 second time limit.  Their car featured an impressive design using four dumpers and it performed very consistently.  Cedarville led the competition through the first three trials, but was just overcome by Monroe's Team Intuitive on the last trial.  The crowd waited in suspense as the balls were counted!

Team Members:
Joshua Blackburn
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. Clint Kohl (KohlC@cedarville.edu)

  Cedarville University receiving the 2nd Place award
Team Photo
Placing a box over the robot to test it for size.
Getting ready to start the robot.
ced Dumper 1 deposits its ping pong balls into the pocket. ced
On to pocket number 2.
Dumper 2 deposits its balls into the 2nd pocket.
Dumper 3 deposits its balls into the 3rd pocket.
The robot completes an excellent run as dumper 4 deposits its balls into the last pocket with a few seconds to spare.

Contact Paul Gordy, ASEE Model Design Competition Coordinator, at PGordy@tcc.edu for more information.