Central Carolina
Community College
2002 ASEE Model
Design Competition Montreal, Quebec June 17, 2002 |
Central Carolina's car really captured the audience as it precariously followed the line around the track. It often seemed on the verge of losing the line. It did, in fact, lose the line on each of its three trials, but was so close to finishing the course on its last trial that the audience moaned when it faltered! |
Car Team Members: Joseph (Joe) Wood, Donnell Evans, Billy Moore, Carrie Wood, and Johnny Billing |
Faculty Advisor: Jerry Clendenen (JClendenen@cccc.edu) |
Central Carolina Community College Team - Jerry Clendenen, Donell Evans (left to right) |
CCCC's car is inspected by the judges. |
CCCC's car followed the lines around the barriers. |
Billy Moore, Joe Wood, Carrie Wood, Donell
Evans, and Johnny Bolling (Left to right)
Preliminary Design 1 |
Preliminary Design 2 |
Preliminary Design 3 |