2nd Place
Broome Community College

Binghamton, NY
2001 ASEE Model Design Competition
Albuquerque, NM
June 25, 2001

Broome Community College's car took an approach that surprised its competitors and even had them checking the rules to make sure that it was using a legal approach!  While the other vehicles predictably followed the line around the course, Broome's vehicle temporarily lowered sideways wheels in the front and rear of the car to drag the vehicle from the Start Area to the Stop Area.  It would then raise these extra wheels and quickly race straight up to the Turn Area and then  reverse its path back to the Stop Area.  This creative and fast approach earned it second place in the event!  Also note that this was one of the closest finishes in the history of the event as Cedarville University finished the course in 14.00 s with Broome just behind at 14.13 s.

Car Team Members:

Faculty Advisors:
Robert Lofthouse (Lofthouse_R@sunybroome.edu)
Peter Ruggieri (Ruggieri_P@sunybroome.edu)

BCC 2nd
  Broome Community College - 2nd Place Award 
BCC side
Side View
BCC top
Top View
Modifying the program between trials
Broome front
Front View
BCC Practice
Trying out the car during the practice session

Contact Paul Gordy, ASEE Model Design Competition Coordinator, at PGordy@tcc.edu for more information.