Dr. Michael H. Mitchell's Histology Tutorial
- Anatomy and Physiology I & II (Bio 141/142)

Copyright ã 2007 Michael H. Mitchell – All Rights Reserved
(Prpared slides with written permission from Carolina Biological Supply Co, Burlington, N. C. and 
Wards Scientific, Rochester, New York)

Simple Squamous Epithelium
- Function:  absorption, filtration

     A great example of simple squamous epithelium is seen in the kidney.  Bowman's capsule
has a parietal layer and a visceral layer.  It is the parietal layer that demonstrates 
this epithelium.  The renal medulla also contains simple squamous epithelium in the form
of the thin limbs (descending & ascending) of the loop of Henle. However, this is often very 
difficult to demonstrate. 

Areas demonstrating simple squamous epithelia:

Parietal Layer of Bowman's Capsule
- includes the glomerular capillaries of the kidneys
Pulmonary Alveoli
Inner and Middle Ear
Mesothelia  - lining of serous cavities:  pericardium, peritoneum, pleurae, mesenteries