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List of amphibians and reptiles I have observed in for the Great Dismal Swamp and other habitats
- there are many more species.  Names change from time to time and my books are a 
few years old.  For the frogs I suggest purchasing a tape/CD of their calls and go 
out into the field and LISTEN!!

Click on highlighted names to see photographs

  1. [American Alligator] - Alligator mississippiensis
  1. [Canebreak Rattlesnake] - Crotalus horridus
  2. [Eastern Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin)] - Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus
  3. [Copperhead] - Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix
  4. [Black Rat Snake] - Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta
  5. [Young] - Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta
  6. [Eastern King Snake] - Lampropeltis getula getula
  7. [Northern Water Snake] - Nerodia sipedon
  8. [Feeding] - Nerodia sipedon
  9. young - Nerodia sipedon
  10. Mating Broad-Banded Water Snakes - Nerodia fasciata confluens
  11. Red-Bellied Water Snake - Nerodia erythrogaster
  12. [Brown Water Snake] - Nerodia taxispilota
  13. [Eastern Garter Snake] - Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis
  14. Rainbow Snake - Farancia erytrogramma
  15. Louisiana Milksnake - Lampropeltis triangulum amaura
  16. Southern Ringneck Snake - Diadophis punctatus punctatus
  17. Eastern Worm Snake - Carphophis amoenus amoenus
  18. Mud Snake - Farancia abacura
  19. Green Snake (Rough) - Opheodrys aestivus
  20. Eastern Hognose Snake - Heterodon platirhinos
  21. Black Racer (Northern) - Coluber constrictor constrictor
  1. Gray Treefrog - Hyla chrysoscelis
  2. Green Treefrog - cinerea
  3. Squirrel Treefrog - Hyla squirella
  4. Spring Peeper - Pseudacris crucifer
  5. Green Frog - Rana clamitans melanota
  6. Bullfrog - Rana catesbeiana
  7. Southern Cricket Frog - Acris gryllus gryllus
  8. Brimley's Chorus Frog - Pseudacris brimleyi
  9. Souther Toad - Bufo terrestris - Possibly Oak and Fowler's Toads also, I'm not sure.
  10. Southern Leopard Frog - Rana utricularia
  11. Carpenter Frog - Rana vigatipes
  1. Common Musk Turtle - Sternotherus odoratus
  2. [baby Eastern Mud Turtle] - Kinosternon subrubrum subrubrum
  3. Eastern Box Turtle - Terrapene carolina carolina
  4. [Eastern Painted Turtle] - Chrysemys picta picta
  5. Snapping Turtle - Chelydra serpentina
  6. [Spotted Turtle] - Clemmys guttata
  1. [Five-Lined Skink] - Eumeces fasciatus
  2. [Red-Backed Salamander] - Plethodon cinereus
  3. Broadhead Skink - Eumeces laticeps
  4. Ground Skink - Scincella lateralis

Note:  I've heard so many reports of cottonmouths or water mocosins, however, I 
rarely see these or other poisonous snakes.  I usually stay on the roads which may 
explain this.  Snakes, as most animals, avoid human contact...they simply try to 
live their lives in the quiet solitude of their habitat.  

Copyright  2007 Michael H. Mitchell – All Rights Reserved