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141 & 142 Prefixes/Suffixes for Final Exam (s - z)

sagitt-	arrow
salta-	leap
sanguin-	blood
saphen-	visible, clear
sarco-	flesh
sclero-	hard
-scope	instrument used for examination
seb-	grease
semen	seed
semi-	half
sens-	feeling
septi-	rotton
septum	fence
sero-	serum
serrat-	saw
sin-	a hollow
sino-	a hollow
soma-	body
-some	body 
somn-	sleep
sphin-	squeezer
splanchn-	organ
spondyl-	vertebrae
squam-	scale, flat
-stalsis	compression
-stasis	arrest, fixation
steno-	narrow
-stitia	come to stand
-stomy	establishing an artificial opening
strat-	layer
stria-	furrow, streak
stroma	spread out
sub-	beneath, under
sucr-	sweet
sudor-	sweat
super-	above, upon
supra-	above, upon

sym-	together, with
syn-	together, with
synerg-	work together
systol-	contraction
tachy-	rapid
tact-	touch
-tegm	cover
telo-	the end
templ-	time
tempo-	time
tens-	stretched
terti-	third
tetan-	rigid, tense
therm-	heat
thromb-	clot
thyro-	a shield
tissu-	woven
-titis	inflammation
-tomy	to cut
tono-	tension
tox-	poison
trab-	beam, timber
trans-	across, through
trapez-	table
tri-	three
trop-	turn, change
troph-	nourish
-trud	thrust 
tuber-	swelling
tunic-	covering
-ty	condition of 
tympan-	drum
ultra-	beyond
-uria	urine
vacc-	cow
vagin-	a sheath
vagus	wanderer
valen-	strength
vent-	the wind
venter	abdomen, belly
ventr-	abdomen, belly
vert-	turn
vestibul-	a porch
vibr-	shake, quiver
villus	shaggy hair
viscero-	organ
viscon-	sticky
vita-	life
vitre-	glass
viv-	live
vulv-	a covering
zyg-	a yoke, twin
-zyme	ferment

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