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141 & 142 Prefixes/Suffixes for Test 4 (o - r)

ob-	before, against
oculo-	eye
odonto-	teeth
-odyn	pain in a certain part
-oid	like, resembling
olfact-	smell
oligo-	few
-oma	tumor
onco-	mass
oo-	egg
ophthalmo-	eye
-opia	defect of the eye
orb-	circular
orchi-	testis
org-	living
ortho-	straight, direct
-ory	referring to
osm-	smell
osmo-	pushing
osteo-	bone
oto-	ear
ov-	egg
ovi-	egg
oxy-	oxygen
pan-	all
papill-	nipple
para-	beside, near
pect-	breast
pectus	breast
pelv-	a basin
peni	a tail
penna-	feather
pent-	five
pep-	digest
peps-	digest
pept-	digest
per-	through
peri-	around
permea-	through
phago-	eat
-phasia	speech
pheno-	show
-phil	like, love
-philo	like, love
phleb-	vein
-phobia	fear
-phragm	partition


-phylax	guard
pia	tender
pili	hairy
pin-	drink
pino-	drink
-plas	grow
-plasm	form, shape
-plasty	reconstruction of 
platy-	flat
-plegia	paralysis
pleur-	side, rib
plex-	net
plexus	net
pneumo-	air
pod-	foot
poly-	multiple
post-	after
pre-	before, ahead of
pro-	before, ahead of
procto-	rectum, anus
pron-	bent forward
propri-	one's own
pseudo-	false
psycho-	mind
ptos-	fall
pub-	of the pubis
pulmo-	lung
pyo-	pus
pyro-	fire, fever
quad-	four
quadr-	four
re-	back again
rect-	straight
ren-	kidney
retic-	net
retin	net
retro-	backward, behind
rheum-	watery flow, change, or flux
rhin-	nose
rhino-	nose
-rrhagia	excessive discharge
-rrhea	flow or discharge
ruga-	fold

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