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141 & 142 Prefixes/Suffixes for Test 2 (d - h)

de- 	removal, undoing, loss
decid-	falling off
delta	triangular
den-	tooth
dendr-	tree, branches
dent-	tooth
derm-	skin
desm-	bond
di-	twice, double
dia-	through, between
dialys-	separate
diastol-	stand apart
-dips	thirst, dry
-ectomy	cutting out
ectop-	displaced
edem-	swelling
ef-	away
ejac-	shoot forth
-ell	small 
-elle	small 
em-	in, inside
embol-	wedge
-emia	blood
en-	in, inside
enceph-	brain
endo-	within
entero-	intestine
epi-	over, above
erythr-	red
eso-	within
-esthesia	sensation
eu-	well
exo-	outside
exret-	separate
extra-	outside
extrins-	from outside

fasci-	bundle
fenestr-	window
-ferent	carry
ferr-	iron
flagell-	whip
flat-	blow, blown
folli-	bag, bellows
fontan-	fountain
foram-	opening
-form	shape
-forma	shape
foss-	ditch
-fuge	driving out
gam-	married
gamet-	married
gangli-	swelling, knot
gastr-	stomach
-gen	an agent that initiates 
gene	beginning, origin
germin-	grow
gero-	old man
geront-	old man
gest-	carried
glauc-	gray
-glea	glue
-glia	glue
glom-	ball
glute-	buttock
glyco-	sweet
gnost-	knowing
gompho-	nail
gon-	seed
gono-	seed
-gram	recorded data
-graph	instrument for recording data
gust-	taste
hapt-	fasten, grasp
hema-	blood
hemato-	blood
hemi-	half
hemo-	blood
hepat-	liver
hetero-	different
hiat-	gap
hippo-	horse
hirsut-	hairy
hist-	tissue
holo-	whole
hom-	same
homo-	same
hormon-	to excite
humor-	a fluid
hyal-	clear
hydr-	water
hydro-	water
hyper-	excess
hypno-	sleep
hypo-	below, deficient
hyster-	uterus
hystero-	uterus 

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