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141 & 142 Prefixes/Suffixes for Test 1 (a - c)
a-	absence or lack
ab-	departing from; away from 
-able	able to, capable of
-ac	referring to
ac-	extreme or extremity; peak 
acou-	hearing
acro-	extreme or extremity; peak 
ad-	to or toward adorbital, toward the orbit
aden-	gland 
adeno-	gland
adren-	toward the kidney 
aero-	air 
af-	toward 
agon-	contest or oppose each other
aid-	axis, axle 
alb-	white 
-algia	pain in a certain part
aliment-	nourish 
allel-	of one another 
amphi-	on both sides; of both kinds 
an-	absence or lack
ana-	apart, up, again 
anastomos-come together 
aneurysm	a widening 
angi-	vessel 
angin-	choked 
ant-	opposed to, preventing or inhibiting 
ante-	preceding; before
anti-	opposed to, preventing or inhibiting 
aort-	great artery aorta
ap-	tip, extremity 
api-	tip, extremity 
append-	hang to 
-apsi	juncture
aqua-	water
aque-	water
arbor	tree 
areola-	open space 
arrect-	upright 
arthro-	joint 

artic-	joint 
artryr-	joint 
-ary	associated with
-asthen	weakness
atri-	vestibule 
auscult-	listen 
aut-	self 
auto-	self
ax-	axis, axle 
axo-	axis, axle 
azyg-	unpaired 
baro-	pressure 
basal	the base
bi-	two 
bili-	bile
bio-	life
blast-	bud or germ
brachi-	arm
brady-	slow
brev-	short
broncho-	bronchus
-bryo	swollen
bucco-	cheek
calor-	heat
capill-	 hair
caput-	head
carcin-	cancer
cardi-	heart
carneo-	flesh
carot-	orange pigment
carot-	stupor
cata-	down 
caud-	tail
cec-	blind
cele-	abdominal
cephal-	head
cerebro-	brain
cervic-	neck
chiasm	crossing
chole-	bile
chonca	shell
chondr-	cartilage
chrom-	colored
-cide	destroy or kill
cili-	small hair 
-cipit	head
circum-	around
-clast	break
clavic-	key
co-	together
coccy- 	beak-shaped
cochlea	snail shell
coel-	hollow
commis-	united
con-	with
contra-	against	
corn-	horn	
corona	crown	
cornu-	horn	
corp-	body	
cort-	bark	
cost-	rib	
crani-	skull
-crine	separate
crypt-	hidden
cusp-	pointed
cutic-	skin
cyan-	blue
cyst-	sac, bladder
cyt-	cell

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