Ear Model - Carolina - Blue Base - Model EA 10
I	external ear

1	auricle of ear
2	external acoustic meatus
3oympanic membrane

II	middle ear
4	tympanic cavity
5	tensor tympani muscle
6	pharyngotympanic tube (Eustacian or auditory tube)
7	head of malleus
8	incus
9	stapes
III	Inner Ear
10	vestibule
11	oval window
12	round window
13	anterior semicircular canal
14	ampulae of anterior semicircular canal
15	lateral semicircular canal
16	ampulla of the lateral semicircular canal
17	posterior semicircular canal
18	ampulla of the posterior semicircular canal
19	-
20	-
21	choclea
22	-
23	vestibulocochlear nerve = statoacoustic nerve = auditory nerve = acoustic nerve
24	internal carotid artery
25	tensor veli palatine muscle

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