Dr. Mitchell - Anatomy and Physiology I & II (Bio 141/142) - Keys to Models
Tidewater Community College - Chesapeake Campus
1	Diploe
2	Clivus
3	Temporal Fossa
4	Zygomatic Arch consisting 
	of Zygomatic Process of Temporal Bone
	and Temporal Process of Zygomatic Bone
5	Infratemporal Fossa
6	Pterygopalatine Fossa
7	Jugular Foramen
8	Foramen Lacerum
9	Greater Palatine Foramen
10	Incisive Fossa 
11	Incisive Canal
12	Nasal Septum
13	External Nares
14	Nasal Conchae
	- lower one = Inferior
	- upper one = Middle
15	Anterior Ethmoidal Foramen
16	Posterior Ethmoidal Foramen
17	Fossa for Lacrimal Sac
18	Superior Orbital Fissure
19	Iferior Orbital Fissure
20	Occipital Bone
21	Foramen Magnum
22	Sulcus for Inferior Petrosal Sinus
23	Pharyngeal Tubercle
24	Occipital Squama
25	Occipital Condyle
26	Condylar Canal
27	Hypoglossal Foramen
28	Jugular Incisura in Jugular Process
29	External Occipital Protuberance 
30	Supreme Nuchal Line
31	Superior Nuchal Line
32	Inferior Nuchal Line
33	Internal Occipital Protuberance
34	Sulcus for Superior Sagittal Sinus
35	Sulcus for Transverse Sinus
36	Sulcus for Sigmoid Sinus
37	Sphenoid Bone
    Sella Turcica = 38 + 40 + 41
38	Tuberculum Sellae
39	Chiasmatic Groove
40	Hypophyseal Fossa
41	Dorsum Sellae
42	Posterior Clinoid Process
43	Carotis Sulcus
44	Lesser Wing of Sphenoid Bone
45	Optic Canal
46	Greater Wing of Sphenoid Bone
47	Infratemporal Crest
48	Foramen Rotundum
49	Foramen Ovale
50	Foramen Spinosum
51	Sulcus for Pharyngotympanic Tube
52	Pterigoid Process
53	Lateral Pterigoid Plate
54	Medial Pterigoid Plate
55	Pterigoid Notch/Fissure 
	- receives pyramidal process of palatine bone
56	Pterigoid Fossa

57	Pterigoid Canal
58	Temporal Bone
59	Petrosal Portion of Temporal Bone
60	Mastoid Process
61	Mastoid Notch(incisura) for the 
	posterior belly of Digastric M.
62	Mastoid Foramen
63	Carotid Canal
64	Musculotubal Canal
65	Tempanic Tegmen
66	Arcuate Emenence 
67	Hiatus in Canal for Major Petrosal Nerve 
68	Sulcus for Major Petrosal Nerve
69	Trigemihnal Impression 
70	Sulcus for Superior Petrosal Sinus
71	Internal Acoustic Meatus
72	Styloid Process
73	Stylomastoid Foramen
74	External Acoustic Meatus
75	Zygomatic Process of Temporal Bone
76	Mandibular Fossa
77	Articular Tubercle
78	Parietal Bone
79	Coronal Suture
80	Inferior Temporal Line
81	Sulcus for Superior Sagittal Sinus
82	Sulcus for Sigmoid Sinus
83	Frontal Bone
84	Glabella 
85	Nasal Spine
86	Frontal Process
87	Frontal Crest
88	Foramen Cecum
89	Frontal Sinus
90	Ethmoid Bone
91	Cribriform Plate
92	Crista Galli
93	Inferior Nasal Concha
94	Lacrimal Bone
95	Nasal Bone
96	Vomer
97	Maxillae
98	Infraorbital Foramen 
99	Canine Fossa 
    - just behind canine teeth in front
100	Anterior Nasal Aperture 
101	Anterior Nasal Spine 
102	Maxillary Tubercle (behind last molar)
103	Palatine Process
104	Os Incisivum (pre-maxillary bone - fetus)
105	Alveolar Process
106	Palatine Bone
107	Horizontal Plate
108	Zygomatic Bone
109	Temproal surface 
110	Temporal Process of Zygomatic bone
111	Zygomaticoorbital Foramen
112	Zygomaticofacial Foramen
113	Zygomaticotemporal Foramen
114	Mandible
115	Mandibular Body
116	Mandibular 
117	Mental Protuberance (symphysis was here)
  a	Mental Tubercle

118	Mental Spine
119	Mental Foramen
120	Oblique Line
121	Digastric Fossa
122	Mylohyoid Line
123	Sublingual Fossa
124	Submandibular Fossa
125	Alveolar Part/Process
126	Jugum Alveolaris (where teeth 
    are about to errupt)
	127	Interalveolar Septum
128	Mandibular Ramus
129	Mandibular Angle
130	Mandibular Head
131	Mandibular Condyle
132	Pterygoid Fovea
133	Coronoid Process
134	Mandibular Notch
135	Mandibular Foramen
136	Mandibular Lingula
137	Candibular Canal
138	Mylohyoid Sulcus/Groove
139	Hyoid Bone
	a - Minor Cornu/Horn - of Hyoid Bone
	b - Major Cornu/Horn - of Hyoid Bone