
Greening the Community College

English 112 Online, Spring Semester 2008

Assignments on the Environment

1. Students read contemporary arguments in their text on “Negotiating the Environment” such as N. Scott Momaday’s “The Way to Rainy Mountain,” Daniel Glick’s “The Big Thaw,” and selections focusing on Habitat Loss—The Reintroduction of Wolves into Yellowstone.

2. Students completed the Think Piece & Research #2 assignment. For Part I, they were asked to respond to one of the four questions taken from Tom Ellis’ “The Gaia Model.” For Part II, they were asked to find an Internet site that pertained to the question they selected.

3. Students completed the Point & Counterpoint #3 assignment, an online discussion activity. For Message 1, they were asked to listen to an online program entitled “Clean Coal Dreams and Climate Realities” from the OnPoint site with host Tom Ashbrook. For Message 2, they were asked to read all responses and then reply to someone who has taken the opposite position by presenting an alternative viewpoint, offering supporting explanation and examples.

Examples of Student Responses

Think Piece & Research #2

Point & Counterpoint #3

Observations of Student Responses

Think Piece & Research #2

Point & Counterpoint #3