Instructor:  Dr. Julia S. Arnold    Email:

Course Description

To take this class, you must have daily access to a computer with an internet connection and experience using a web browser.  You will also need to utilize your college Outlook email account.    Access to email is done using the My TCC button with your Blackboard/SIS/Email userid and password.  If you don't know your userid and password click on My TCC and then on userlookup in the menu on the left.

On-Campus Meetings

We require that you  take your mid-term and final exam either on campus in any of the 4 campus testing centers at TCC, or if you live over 50+ miles from a TCC campus you may find another community college and make arrangements with their testing center.  If you are military and deployed, you may use your chaplain as a proctor or any superior officer.  Other possible locations are public libraries or high schools.  Your course outline will provide more detail about the information your Instructor will need from your proctor. 

How This Class Operates  

This is not a self-paced class.  There are due dates throughout the semester that you are expected to meet just like you would in a traditional lecture class.  Active participation is required.

Communication is a vital part of this class.  Math questions are generally posted in the discussion board.  Other possible forms of communication may be the telephone, or face to face meetings on campus by appointment.

Our teaching tool is your TCC Blackboard which has a mixture of power point presentations, and YouTube videos.  We are using the same text book as the face to face classes.  There are homework assignments for each section, but because the homework problems take a longer amount of time to do, we are only grading the chapter graded homework problems provided for Chapter 11 in your Blackboard and for Chapters 12-15 in an additional website called Web Assign.  

 You will begin in the TCC Blackboard where you will find a detailed Course Syllabus and a Weekly Schedule which you should print and use during the semester.  You will be asked to take the Online Readiness Agreement Test which will help you understand some of the differences in taking an online course vs a traditional course. 

Succeeding In An Online Course

Students who succeed in online courses tend to be independent, self-motivated learners with good computer skills. If you are a procrastinator who relies heavily on the instructor for motivation, can’t use a computer too well, have taken less than 21 units of college credit in your lifetime, and/or have a grade-point-average under 2.0, you should probably consider enrolling in a face-to-face course instead.

Also, don’t enroll in this class if believe the myth that learning online requires less effort than learning face to face. This course covers the same content and has similar activities as the face-to-face version of the course; only the method of delivery changes.

What To buy If You Decide To Take The Course

Text for this course is:  Calculus by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards, 8th edition, published by Houghton Mifflin   AND Web Assign

Both of these will be bundled together for one price, or if you have the book or a different edition of the book (which you may use) you can purchase Web Assign separately either online or at the bookstore.
      Barnes & Noble Bookstore in  Mac Arthur Mall
      Bookstore (757-640-2655).

Web Assign is a web site resource where you will complete graded assignments.  To access web assign you will need the class key. The class key will be found in Blackboard.  Read the announcements in blackboard to find it.  You will also need an authorization number which you will purchase.  You may register without the authorization number for a brief period of time before they terminate your connection.   However, you will not need Web Assign until you have completed Chapter 11.
It is very important to have the required materials before the first day of class.